The Missouri Inclusive Democracy Fund believes that a vibrant democracy is key to healthy families and communities. Through our pooled 501c3 fund, we support strategies and infrastructure for increased voter registration, engagement, and mobilization among under-represented populations in Missouri.  While 2024 is our launch year, we intend to work year-round to provide access to democratic participation for citizens across the state.  

Our key funder stakeholders include the Missouri Foundation for Health, the Health Forward Foundation, and the Deaconess Foundation.  We are supported by over two dozen advisors representing community based organizations committed to racial equity and a vibrant democracy in Missouri.

Our Work

Missouri Inclusive Democracy Fund invests in community organizations striving to uphold civic life through the practice of democracy. Using a phased approach, MIDF is first focused on communities Kansas City and St. Louis that are underrepresented in voter registration. As the fund grows, the plan is to expand to include eligible voters in suburban and rural parts of the state. Goals include increasing registration equity across voting groups, amplifying voices of under-represented groups on election day and beyond, and ultimately improving civic engagement and leading to healthier communities.

Our program includes a threefold approach: canvassing in Kansas City, St. Louis, and North St. Louis County; statewide mail; and statewide digital strategies focused on registering underrepresented individuals to vote.

Why Our Work Matters

Civic engagement fosters social cohesion and amplifies the power of citizens by bringing individual voices together in common purpose. Community members are most effective in solving problems and holding institutions accountable when they act collectively.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services identifies civic participation as social determinant of health, as outlined in the Healthy People 2030 Initiative. Similarly, in 2022 the American Medical Association acknowledged voting as a social influencer of health due to the positive relationship between civic engagement and health outcomes.

Voter registration is the first of many important steps for citizens to become more civically active in Missouri.

How to Register to Vote

In order to register to vote in Missouri, a person must be:

  • 17 ½ years of age to register (though you must be 18 years of age to vote)
  • A US citizen
  • A Missouri resident

If you’d like to register to vote, check your registration status, or update your information, please visit

Contact Us

We want to hear from you. Please email with questions and feedback.